Koocanusa Recreation Strategy

A new Koocanusa recreation strategy aims to tackle the long-standing impacts of tourism and recreation on Crown land in the Koocanusa area

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One Hand Clapping

Fernie writer Keith Liggett recently started publishing his novel “One Hand Clapping” as a free downloadable serial on-line.

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CBT Funds Avalanche Canada

Predictable multi-year funding is critical for our operations and allows us to maintain our services for the backcountry community.

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Nordic skiing in Fernie

Skiers have been coming to Fernie for one reason, the abundance of snow. In the old days Fernie Snow Valley […]

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Koocanusa Recreation Options

The public will have a chance to discuss and provide feedback about recreation management in the Koocanusa area at four open houses and through an online survey this January and February.

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Macnair to represent NDP

Fernie resident Randal Macnair will be the 
Kootenay East New Democrat Party (NDP) candidate in the May 9, 2017 B.C. […]

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