Fernie Fall Fair returns

The Fernie Fall Fair is a grassroots community event that encourages people to bridge rural and urban living by promoting agriculture, recreation, household arts, and gardening.

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Regional Credit Unions potential merger

The Board of Directors for each of the six credit unions considering a merger – Columbia Valley Credit Union, East Kootenay Community Credit Union, Grand Forks Credit Union, Heritage Credit Union, Kootenay Savings Credit Union and Nelson & District Credit Union – reviewed and analyzed the merger business case.

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Students help protect watersheds

Three Grade 9 classes from across the Elk Valley got their hands dirty ridding local wetlands of invasive plants while planting native species in their place.

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A Trail for Everyone

Users of the trail—located minutes from Fernie on the Montane property—now includes people in wheelchairs, athletes on adaptive mountain bikes, families with strollers and more.

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BikeBC funds Fernie Trail

The City of Fernie has been approved to receive $70,540 for a paved pathway connecting Fairy Creek Bridge to the Fernie Visitor Centre.

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