Park Place Lodge

Glamping in Fernie

The Resort is answering the call for glamping, a form of camping involving accommodation and facilities that are more luxurious than those associated with traditional camping.

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Campfire Ban Announced

Effective at noon on Thursday, July 26, 2018, campfires will be prohibited throughout the Southeast Fire Centre which includes Fernie, the Elk Valley and Southcountry

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Category 2 Open Burning Ban in Effect

The SE Fire Centre / BC Wildfire Service has announced that a Category 2 Open Burning Ban started Friday July 6th at 12PM throughout the Southeast Fire Centre’s jurisdiction.

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BC Family Day Moving

With the NDP’s moving of BC’s Family Day to coincide with the Alberta, Saskatchewan, and Montana holiday, in 2019 Fernie residents will have to contend with the busiest weekend of the year.

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