British Columbia announced earlier today that vaccine passports will be required for people attending specific social and recreational events. In the announcement Premier John Horgan stated that vaccines are our ticket to putting this pandemic behind us. Horgan said, “So I call on all eligible unvaccinated British Columbians to roll up their sleeves to stop the spread, and help protect themselves, their loved ones and the people in their community.”
BC Health reported 663 new cases of COVID-19 last week, in July the average was 74. These new infections been driven almost exclusively by people who are unvaccinated and health officials are concerned that the virus is going to surge throughout the province.
Fernie’s vaccine status is at least 77% have 1st dose and 67% have 2nd dose. In BC, 83% have 1st dose and 74% have 2nd dose.
Vaccinations & Proof
– Starting September 13th anyone wanting to participate or attend in the below activities must have proof of at least their 1st dose of a COVID-19 vaccine.
– Starting October 24th proof of 2nd dose to participate.
– Vaccinated means at least 7 days after getting the shot.
Children under 12 are exempt however there is no exemption for those unable to get the vaccine for health or religious reasons.
Activities that will require proof of vaccination include:
– Organized indoor events, activities, programs (weddings, parties, conferences, meetings, workshops)
– Dining, restaurants, bars, night clubs, cafes (indoor and patio)
– Indoor ticketed events
– Indoor concerts, theatre
– Movie Theatres
– Fitness classes, programs, gyms, centres
– Discretionary organized indoor group recreational classes and activities
Proof of vaccination will also be required of anyone not from BC that is travelling into BC and participating in any of the above.
These new measures are in place until at least January 31st, 2022, however the BC Govt will be reassessing monthly.
BC will not be moving to Step 4 of Restart Plan on September 7th as initially planned.

Please get vaccinated and encourage those around you to do so. Support our community in kicking this pandemic, here’s how:
Fernie Health Area Vaccine Clinics:
Fernie – Elk Valley Hospital, appointment only 09:00-3:50 pm on Monday, Tuesday and Friday
Sparwood – Sparwood Health Centre, appointment only 09:10-3:30 pm on Wednesdays
Elkford – Elkford Community Centre, appointment only 09-3:50 on Thursdays
Book your vaccine here:
– Online at: https://gov.bc.ca/getvaccinated
– Or by telephone at 1 833 838-2323