BC released its update modeling today and for the first time, provided a bit more of a geographic breakdown for Covid-19 in Fernie and the region. Dr. Henry revealed which B.C. regions have seen most COVID-19 in the following map.

Fernie and the East Kootenay’s have been doing well in preventing the spread of COVID-19. We have had 18 positive cases in the East Kootenay since the outset and no new cases in the past 14 days. Dr. Henry provided a very detailed overview of the modeling, some new cutting edge scientific data they’ve used to narrow down the origin of the virus’ arrival in BC and other interesting information. You can view Dr. Henry’s discussion here:

Canada’s top doctor, Dr. Theresa Tam, says the country has been successful at slowing the spread of COVID-19 but is warning that relaxing public health restrictions too quickly or too soon could lead to a rampant resurgence of the disease. Unfortunately this is a reality for Fernie.

Dr. Tam continued to say that with weaker controls, a surge of cases could see half of Canadians infected, with a rising number of cases throughout the summer and into next winter. With no controls at all, as many as 80 per cent of Canadians will get infected by the end of the summer.

Despite the great news from Dr. Henry we must remain vigilant with our behaviour. By changing our behaviour we did stop COVID-19 in its tracks, we must continue on this path until a better solution is available.

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