The Annex Dike Project includes a proposed Hand Boat Launch that has many citizens questioning why park green space is being used for a boat launch.
The City wrote that the boat launch came from recommendations in a 2013 Leisure Service Master Plan. They propose to create the non-motorized boat launch for kayaks and canoes at the northern end of the Annex Park. The option to include vehicle access (fishing boats on trailers?) is being considered.
New boat launches with facilities including parking, washrooms, and river information are needed for both recreational floaters and commercial fishing. Dogwood Park is a great facility however an upstream launch for floaters, or take out for fishing boats, with safe parking and facilities is a much needed public asset.
The Annex Park location is being questioned by neighbours and park users who will undoubtably be impacted by the increase in vehicle and user traffic, and the destruction of green space and trees for the vehicle parking lot.

Read more about the Annex Dike Project and Hand Boat Launch here.
Questions or feedback about this project can be directed via email to: operations@fernie.ca
The City should be congratulated for taking the initiative to securing grant monies to protect our residents from flooding and expand our recreation amenities. Hopefully boat launch solutions can also be achieved.
About the Annex Dike Project:
In 2019, the City of Fernie commissioned and completed a Flood Mitigation Plan, which identified flood hazards based on existing flood protection infrastructure and new floodplain mapping from the 2017 Elk River and 2014 Coal Creek studies. Many of the existing dikes were determined to be too low, and additional gaps in flood protection were identified throughout the community. The recommended mitigation measures throughout the City were prioritized based on the associated risks using a likelihood and consequence of failure methodology.
Based on this plan, the City has secured $8.234 million in funding to improve flood protection since 2019.
The Annex Dike Project is the City’s third major flood mitigation and protection initiative and is valued at $4.975 million.
The Annex Dike protects the over 900 residences, 113 commercial properties, 6 industrial properties, and 2,000+ citizens living in the Annex neighbourhood.
Further enhancements to the project are being funded through a $500,000 provincial Active Transportation grant that will provide paved trails, accessible and inclusive features, and integrate the Annex Park trails with the grant-funded phase 1 of the Fernie Valley Pathway for a combined project value of $7.178 million.
This project represents a significant investment in meeting the challenges of climate change and climate change mitigation by investing in both flood protection and active transportation, supporting reduced reliance on motorized transportation throughout the community.