The week has flown by and another Fernie Writer’s Conference has passed. This year due to a heavy workload of other projects I didn’t participate in any of the classes offered but as writing is my passion I took in some of the public events happening during the jam packed week.
Each day had something available from the opening reception held at the Heritage Library to reading and reception at Polar Peek Books, a James Keelaghan concert at the Art Station, Panel discussions, song- writing performances and readings at the Northern Stage, poetry readings at Island Lake and other readings at the Art Station. These activities provided plenty of fodder to anyone that wanted involvement even if they couldn’t take in the whole week.

I got to meet author Andreas Schroeder. Actually I spotted a bearded man who looked rather scholarly and jokingly commented to Christa Moffat one of the organizers of the conference, “this man looks like a writer”. Christa laughed and said “Do you think?” The man in question agreed he was one of the instructors for the conference and as we struck up a lively conversation I discovered that he was Andreas Schroeder, university professor, journalist, writer extraordinaire with twenty- one books to his credit as well as being one of a group who wrote textbooks for use in the elementary school system in Canada. Andreas said he and the others were floored by schools using American textbooks to teach our children. I agreed, I recall learning the history and names of all USA states and capitals when in grade school. We were taught very little about our own country back then. Andreas was a pleasure to converse with and easy to listen to.

Saturday morning had CBC’s Sheryl Mackay of the North by Northwest morning show broadcasting live from the Heritage Library. About two hundred people attended and many had opportunity to speak on air. Our local celebrities were on hand, Angela Morgan displaying one of her vibrant paintings, Angie Abdou talking about her successful books.
Juno award winner singer- songwriter James Keelghan performed two of his own compositions. James delivered powerful performances that nearly shook the building. He was the instructor for the song writing course of which one participant commented that James was an absolutely splendid teacher. Judging from his performance I would have to say that his ability at performing and song writing is pretty marvellous as well. Red Lady was also on hand to perform selections from their new CD. No stranger to CBC and to host Sheryl Mackay, Angie commented that it was great that Sheryl was able to come and see her home town of Fernie. Sheryl seemed to genuinely like it here waxing poetic about the gorgeous view clearly visible through the tall windows of the library. On her show the next morning broadcast from Vancouver she mentioned the beauty of the building with its tall columns and arched windows; spoke about the warm reception she received and even mentioned the Miners Walk Project in progress in front of City Hall.

She also mentioned that it was Oolichan Publisher Randal Macnair and wife Lisa who had purchased the North by Northwest broadcast at a Fundraiser and brought it to Fernie. Kudos to Randal and Lisa for having the foresight to do so as it brought lots of publicity to the Writer’s Conference and to Fernie.
This past Sunday the Sunday Social in downtown Fernie proved successful with a fashion show, music, games and food for the many people strolling down the closed streets. Under a hot sunny sky visitors and locals enjoyed a stroll down Victoria Avenue taking in the sales and activities going on. It so great to see so much life downtown on a Sunday afternoon, its especially gratifying to see so many children playing games and running through the fancy sprinklers in front of Freshies.
Don’t forget to get a brick with your name on it for placement in front of city hall along the pathway of the Miners Walk. It is only fifty dollars for a personal lasting legacy that will be a way to remember and honour family or friends. Time is running out so if interested make sure to go to City Hall and register your request within the next week.