1) Mr. Wayne Stetski, Manager of the East Kootenay Conservation Program (EKCP) addressed Council and requested their support to establish a Local Conservation Fund. He provided an overview of the work performed by the EKCP on private land conservation and their role in managing the fund on behalf of the Regional District of East Kootenay. If you are interested in getting involved contact ekcp@cyberlink.bc.ca or go to www.ekcp.ca for more information.
2) Mr. Barry Levin, representing the Crowsnest Pass Coal Mining Company addressed Council noting that they have purchased Rio Tinto’s subsurface mineral tenure (coal explorations licenses and leases east of Fernie – Crowsnest Coal Project. He outlined the Global Raw Materials (GRM) plans for the project and their commitment to local communities.
3. Council approved the 2009 Schedules of Remuneration and Expenses and Payments to Suppliers of Goods or Services. These Schedules will be submitted to the Province as part of the Statements of Financial Information.
4. Fernie Heritage Cemetery Restoration Society – Special Occasion Liquor License
Council authorized the Society to operate a beer garden on July 1, 2010 from 1:00 pm – 10:30 pm at Prentice Park (or in the event of inclement weather at the Fernie Memorial Arena as part of the July 1 Canada Day Celebration.
5. Appointment of Civic Bodies
Ms. Colleen Dunn, representative for the Leisure Services Advisory Board and Ms. Sue Bawden Hutchinson, member of the public were appointed by Council to sit on the Decorations Committee.

6. Land Exchange Agreement Amendment
Council approved the Land Exchange Agreement Amendment between the City of Fernie and 0845419 BC Ltd. and Elk River Developments Ltd. to extend completion of the Agreement from June 30, 2010 to July 31, 2010.
The agreement exchanges the ‘Whitetail’ lands and undeveloped road ways (one north and south of Whitetail Drive and a walkway – excluding the area identified as ‘Park’. Comprising1.268 hectares and a Closed Park comprising 0.262 ha for the R4 zoned lands adjacent to Mt. McLean and Cokato Roads, comprising 0.289 hectares, and the ‘Wrangler Ground’ Park to be created by registration of a plan of subdivision comprising 1.87 ha.
7. Bus Stop at Rocky Mountain Village
Management from the Rocky Mountain Village have requested that a bus stop be considered at the Rocky Mountain Village along Cokato Road to serve the residents of Rocky Mountain Village and the community at large that live along this corridor. This request will be forwarded to the Regional District of East Kootenay for their consideration.
8. Fernie Trails Alliance
Council gave direction to staff to investigate the possibility of funding the Fernie Trails Alliance proposal with Resort Municipality Tax Transfer Program money and bring forward a report for Council’s consideration. The two objectives of the Fernie Trails Alliance are:
• To agree to the importance of recreational trails to Fernie’s community and its appeal as an outdoor sports destination; and,
• To organize administration of trail building, funding and user group consultation under one body, with a full-time Trail Administrator.

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