Park Place Lodge

2006 Olympic gold medallist Jenn Heil from Spruce Grove, AB is returning to the World Cup moguls circuit after taking a year off from competition. We caught up to her at her home in Montreal during a recent break from training to ask her a few questions about the upcoming season.


Q. How has your life changed since winning the gold medal at the 2006 Olympics?
Jenn: “Standing on top of the Olympic podium and hearing our National anthem was a childhood dream come true. It was incredible but I don’t think it’s changed me at all. Today, I’m on a new adventure as I head to 2010, a big one. I am working to take my skills to the next level.

Q. Is there additional pressure on you at World Cup events knowing you are both Olympic champion and four-time FIS World Cup champion?
Jenn: “Pressure is the way you look at it – I like pressure. 2010 is a whole new adventure. I am not defending a title but rather looking to lay down my top performance.”

Q. Have you seen the new Olympic course at Cypress Mountain? What do you think?
Jenn: “VANOC has done a great job in preparing world-class venues for all the sports; I’m really impressed with the progress they’ve made in what seems like such a short time. The mogul course is no different. It’s great. I love how accessible the course is to the crowd.”

Q. What do you think the highlights of the upcoming season will be for you? What are you most looking forward to?
Jenn: “This season is going to be an exciting season for me as I travel to many new venues after seven years of competing on the circuit. I am of course looking forward to the World Championships in Inawashiro, Japan. The Japanese are going to put on an amazing show with a huge crowd.”

Q. This is the second time you have taken a year off to rehab injuries and do some other things. Is the physical or mental break from competition more important?
Jenn: “The time away from competition has allowed me to take my fitness to the next level and at the same time I am re-energized to be back in the start gate. Last year I completed my second year of commerce studies as a full-time student at McGill University. It was really fulfilling to meet the challenges of student life and to travel to West Africa with Plan International in support of the campaign “Because I am a Girl”.

Q. Any last thoughts?
Jenn: “I am counting down the days before I am back in the start gate with my team-mates in the opening World Cup race in Moscow. I can’t wait!”
The FIS Freestyle World Cup season starts with a dual moguls competition in Moscow, Russia on December 13th followed by a moguls competition in Meribel, France on December 18th. The Aerialists get under way with two World Cup events at Adventure Mountain in China on December 19th and 20th.

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