Park Place Lodge

1.1 Development Variance Permit Application No. 376 for the property located at 1362 & 1392 – 5th Council approved Development Variance Permit Application No. DVPA-376 and gave notice of their intention to consider the issuance of Development Variance Permit No. DVP-376 to facilitate a subdivision of the Lands into two separate parcels, the landowners have submitted a Development Variance Permit Application to vary the minimum front yard setback of the two multi family dwelling buildings on the Lands from along a portion of the west property line only and to vary the minimum parcel area for each of two proposed parcels to be created by subdivision of the Lands. RTC


2.1 Bylaw No. 2272, cited as Official Community Plan Bylaw No. 2231, Amendment Bylaw No. 3, 2014 and Bylaw No. 2278, cited as Zoning Bylaw No. 1750, Amendment Bylaw No. 175, 2014 to amend the Official Community Plan Bylaw No. 2231 by re-designating a portion of land from Natural Open Space to Neighbourhood Residential as well to amend the Zoning Bylaw No. 1750 by rezoning a 0.1073 hectare portion from P2 – Parks and Open Space to R1B – Single Family Detached Plus Residential.
Council authorized the Official Community Plan Bylaw No. 2231, Amendment No. 3, Bylaw No. 2272, 2014 be adopted as well:
That Zoning Bylaw No. 1750, Amendment No. 175, Bylaw No. 2278, 2014 be read a third time and referred to the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure for approval subject to a Section 219 Covenant registered on title in priority to any financial charges that restricts the building area to 1800 sq. ft. and that the applicant addresses setbacks from Castle Mountain Road concerns as raised by Mrs. Hughes.
2.2 Bylaw No. 2282, cited as Zoning Bylaw No. 1750, Amendment Bylaw No. 178, 2015 Bylaw No. 2282, cited as Zoning Bylaw No. 1750, Amendment Bylaw No. 178, 2015 the application submitted by Reto Barrington to text amend Zoning Bylaw No. 1750 related to a campground use in the P-2 – Parks and Open Space zone was read a third time and referred to the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure for approval.
3.1 Fernie Kids Triathlon Council authorized support of $800 from the Resort Municipality Tourism Investment Fund which forms a component of the Resort Development Strategy to assist with the operational cost of running the event as per the request.
3.2 Budget Variance Analysis & Capital & One-Time Project Update Jan-Aug 2015 Council accepted the Budget Variance Analysis & Capital & One-time Operating Project update for January to August 2015. The primary information provided in this 2015 Year-to-date Financial Report is a comparison of the annual budget amounts to actual revenues and expenditures for operating departments and projects, which is presented to Council as information. RTC
4.1 Discretionary Grants for the Budget year 2016 – the City of Fernie is now accepting applications for grant funding for consideration by the Discretionary Grant Committee. Any community groups or organizations that are interested in requesting grant funding from the City for the upcoming year and can demonstrate financial need are encouraged to submit an application. Application Form and Guidelines or for pick-up at City Hall at 501–3rd Avenue. Submission deadline for applications is Friday, October 30, 2015.
Completed applications can be faxed to 250.423.3034, mailed to City Hall, PO Box 190, Fernie, BC V0B 2G0, emailed to  or dropped off at City Hall, 501 – 3rd Avenue.
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4.2 Annual Tax Sale – in accordance with Section 403 of the Local Government Act properties with delinquent taxes will be offered for sale by public auction at the Annual Tax Sale on Monday, September 28, at 10:00 a.m. in the Council Chambers of Fernie City Hall, unless delinquent taxes are paid prior to the start of the Tax Sale.
4.3 Community Voters Challenge! Are you registered to vote?
Council for the City of Fernie has accepted the challenge by the City of Nelson. This friendly competition is to see which community can most increase voter turnout in the upcoming election compared to the last federal election.
Check our website for updates!  Other organizations such as the Fernie Heritage Library have also accepted the challenge! 
4.4 Next scheduled meetings of Council are:
– Monday September 28, Meetings – Cancelled
– Tuesday, October 13, 2015 Committee of the Whole (COTW) @ 10:00am and Regular Meeting of Council @ 7:00pm
Council meetings are streamed live and can be viewed on-demand on the City’s website or watched on Shaw TV Channel 10 at 3:30pm on Tuesdays and 11:00am on Thursdays.
Download the whole report here: 2015-09-14 Council Connection

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