Park Place Lodge


Do and Learn in Wild Backyards

With patches of snow on the ground, it’s a day for jackets and hoods up to protect ears from the cold. It’s Wednesday, November 14, 2018, and a group of ninth graders is traipsing across an abandoned hay field outside Cranbrook with loppers and shovels in hand to oo and learn in wild backyards.

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Fernie’s Polar Peak Opens!

Regardless of how many days Polar Peak is open, I anxiously wait for those epic days of ripping multiple powder runs on its steep fall line terrain.

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Christmas Day

In my youth, Christmas arrived by train. With days in the 70’s (mid 20’s C), and the only sign of Christmas being the shop decorations, there was no snow heralding the season.

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Travel Safely on our Winter Roads

Remaining safe on our winter roads is a joint responsibility. Road maintenance is important however the driver is ultimately responsible for the safety of passengers and others.

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FWA Delivers Powder

At the end of the day you will have experienced and average of ten runs and anywhere up to 15,000 vertical feet of untracked powder on perfectly gladed terrain.

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