Forum Replies Created
ParticipantRuby is in the clinic for another 5 days, being monitored and having his blood tested frequently. He is slowly improving but is still not eating which means he is still not out of the woods. We continue to get update phone calls from the concerned vets at Steeples. They refuse to send the cat home until the problem is solved which we appreciate greatly. Not to mention their fair prices, they offered us a chance to make payments instead of paying all at once. These are the Vets you need to deal with. like i said it is well worth the drive.
ParticipantWell, an update on our beloved cat “Ruby”, he is fighting for his life in Cranbrook, at Steeples Vet Clinic, after the poor care he received in Fernie,I am absolutly sickened that the care he received in Fernie or should I say lack there of, my poor cat is on deaths door with kidney failure. We should have listened to all the rumors and took him to Cranbrook first. I will know tomorrow if my cat lives or if we will have to have him put down. The care he is receiving at Steeples is above and beyond, they deserve to be called Vets, never, ever again will I step foot in the Fernie vet clinic, to dish out thick cash for half assed care, for 5 hours of I don’t know what, when we can go to Steeples and get 5 days of the proper care for the same money. I am beyond upset, I am disgusted.
ParticipantI have an 8ft, lightweight walker bay boat that will forsure take an electric motor.
ParticipantHey Chris,
Yes the items are still available, i don’t have any pics buti live in town here and if you call the cell phone 531-0078 i can meet you at the house to have a look.
ParticipantNicely said Gumbootgal
ParticipantFor god sakes Man Man if your gonna insult someone at least you can do is learn to spell it proper, i think what you were trying to call me was WHORE Dumb ASS, not hore, maybe when you go back to Kangaroo land you can go back to elementary school and brush up on your spelling MATE.
Participantah i see you have bitten off more than you can chew, back peddling boy. Little outta your league Man Man.
ParticipantCougar got your tongue Man Man
ParticipantOh Manly, Manly when will you learn that you will never out smart or out talk a Local, give it a rest Mate, ya ya we all know Aussie this and Aussie that your the shit ya ya, your country rocks this and that. Then what are you doing here? It doesn’t add up if you don’t like it here or the locals and have nothing nice to say then go home we won’t miss ya Mate. And as for the word redneck, is this the new word in your limited vocabulary, and do you have a problem with rednecks or did you want to meet us somewhere and have a discussion about things or are you a chicken shit, back up your mouth Aussie boy, your not in kansas anymore.
ParticipantOh Manly, i should have read further before posting my last comment, you are in my town, in my country, throwing stones Mate, you aussies seem to have a serious ego problem, strange how the descendents of english criminals could become such big know-it-alls. Go home to kangaroo land, and get your head out of your ass. Cheers Mate
ParticipantWell Manly, you say we Canadians have caused so much damage to our wildlife. Where are you from? And what are you doing here? And where exactly are you getting your facts from? Better check your sources and do your homework before you start spittin.
February 15, 2007 at 2:50 am in reply to: Bill Bennett resignation On Wednesday, February 7, 2007 #15083kootney_girl
ParticipantI so agree with the email the Mr. Bennett sent to Mr. Hart, you know we locals get the short end of the stick alot here, we have all these albertans and all the americans that come to beautiful Fernie and fish the crap out of the Elk River, and hunt the animals like nut balls, but yet if we want to go to the part of the woods we better be prepared to jump through alot of hoops along the way. So i say cheers to Mr. Bennett, we could use alot more people like him standing up for us. So sorry to see him go.
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Overnight | 24h | 48h | 7 days |
0 cm | 2 cm | 8 cm | 32 cm |
0.0 in | 0.8 in | 3.1 in | 12.6 in |
Base | This Season |
255 cm | 816 cm |
100.4 in | 321.3 in |

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Fernie Hot Dog Day
Location: Fernie Alpine Resort
Date: 02/04/2025
Time: 13:00 - 23:30