Park Place Lodge

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  • in reply to: Nonstop Ski #13507
    dirk ter haar

    I was thinking of getting my self a fancy new camera phone so i can record all that powder and fun for the guys back home. So i’m going to get just the hand set and put my old SIM card in that. that way it shouldn’t be locked.
    (A quick not MCC it’s Dirk not Dick)

    in reply to: Cell phone coverage? #13489
    dirk ter haar

    I put my question to you guys again does fernie have a mobile shop or will i have to get a sim card in Calgary :?:” title=”Question” />

    in reply to: Nonstop Ski #13505
    dirk ter haar

    i’m going out on the 11th (yes that’s right less than a month to go). I’m taking a huge ski bag for 2 pairs of skis and clothing to pad out the bag because the handling staff at airports are not very gentil with bags. and another bigish bag for boots and other clothing.
    I would like to know whether people are taking mobiles. I have asked some of the locals and you can get a canadian SIM card and put that in your phone for local calls as long as you have got tri-band.

    in reply to: Cell phone coverage? #13485
    dirk ter haar

    Thanks for that very helpful info, i will look into it.
    Does Fernie have any shops that would sell Rogers SIM cards or would i have to get one in Calgary when i arive?

    in reply to: Cell phone coverage? #13482
    dirk ter haar

    hi there this is question for all you locals:
    (it is about cell phones which over here in england we call mobiles so where i write mobile just fill in cell phone)
    I am told that one can put any SIM card into and phone what ever the nationality, so i was planning on getting my self a canadian SIM card when i come over. my question is, what kind of network system do you have and which is the best/cheapest network?
    Over here we have have about 6 main networks that are similar in cost and service.

    in reply to: Nonstop Ski #13498
    dirk ter haar

    Andy in reply to you question about skiing ability: i don’t know exactly but the nonstopski people do say in the broshure (i’m dyslexic can’t spell) people should be intermediate to advanced. i’m sure it will not be a problem though as when you are a beginner you learn things quite quickly until you reach the intermediate plato.

    in reply to: Nonstop Ski #13495
    dirk ter haar

    I think every body is thinking fernie 24/7, i am in the same position as andy, i have never done a season. one of my friends did a similar course out in Banff last year so i have been picking his brains to find out what i need. the main things i have picked up are that you just take all you normal skiing/boarding gear, extra warm clothing (he had days below -40C) but one thing that does not add up is that he recons that he spent about £2500 and he does not even drink!!
    I have already got most of my kit, i think i will just be buying thermal clothing out in fernie.


Viewing 7 posts - 1 through 7 (of 7 total)