Park Place Lodge

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  • in reply to: wise people of fernie , please help answer my questions #15493

    The reason for my post was to let the unsuspecting traveller know what the standards are. You can tip whatever you’d like, and in return you will enjoy that level of service on your return visits to that eating establishment.
    I checked out travel websites and found them to suggest similar percentages “Almost everywhere you eat or drink, the service will be fast and friendly – thanks to the institution of tipping . Waiters and bartenders depend on tips for the bulk of their earnings and, unless the service is dreadful, you should top up your bill by fifteen percent or more. A refusal to tip is considered rude and mean in equal measure. If you’re paying by credit card, there’s a space on the payment slip where you can add the appropriate tip. If you don’t know how much to tip, a good bet is to double the tax.”
    I don’t understand the resentment implied toward tipping and making more than $30.00 per hour (in reality that’s an average not accounting for hours where there’s no business or set up/tear down) I would hope that anyone working hard at their jobs should be able to earn a decent living. But honestly most servers make much less than 40000.00 per year (due to business ups and downs) and that won’t buy you a house in Fernie or pay off your student loan. If the money was so good you would see alot more career servers. I’m not blaming the consumer-this is just the way the system is. Gavitron using words like “donate” and “free money” really let me know you don’t get it, and I think you should tip the garbage person (specially at Christmas),paper delivery person and anyone who makes your day to day life easier.There will always be cheap tippers and generous ones but you should be properly informed to know which one you are and what message you are sending.
    Fernie diners are very generous, this post is not a complaint about that, it has become a response to some outdated resentful views.

    in reply to: wise people of fernie , please help answer my questions #15490

    I need to interject about tipping. 10% is the lowest you should go and is not “reasonable”, industry standard is 15%-20%. Servers must share their tips, bartenders (10-20%), hosts(10%-20%) buspeople (10%-20%)and kitchen staff usually 2%-4% of food sales. In all honesty a 10% tip may cost your server money to have served you.
    Restaurant staff do not have any real job sercurity, they make slightly more than minimum wage, they often do not get stat holiday pay or overtime and rarely recieve benifits.
    As a consumer you enjoy lower meal costs because tipping is presumed and offsets the wage.
    The steriotype has been that overseas tourists tip poorly. I am using this forum to educate visitors. If you choose to tip 10% please know that you are in no way rewarding good service.

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