Michael Phillips or another founder with last name Carosella?

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    • #63341

      I think I am an ancestor of Michael Phillips. Given the two mentioned in the article were Fernie and Phillips that would make the most sense. My Grwndpa was named Phillip so it might have been after him. I also mentioned Carosella because that was my Grandpa’s last name but I am not sure if there was a name change for some reason between him and Michael.

      Anyway I would love to see pictures and read more about his part in helping to found Fernie. Can anybody lead me to links with pictures or stories. I was in Fernie with my parents as a teenager but unfortunately when we were there the museum was closed for renovation.

    • #63342

      I am adding to this post to say that I have a definite name which I’m sure you guys would have been able to figure out given my original post. 😀 I knew he owned a bar/hotel so I did some more digging. I found out about Roma and when I saw Phillip Carosella was the original owner I was like bingo that is it! I am emailing the current owners to see if they have any pictures or other information but if any of you know where I can get more please let me know. Thanks.

    • #63355

      You need to connect with the Fernie museum. Phillips and Carosella are names with history in Fernie! director@ferniemuseum.com

    • #63360

      The digital archive of The Fernie Free Press might have good info for you:


    • #63363

      Thanks. I contacted them at the info email when I saw they have volunteers and staff helping with research but I will definitely contact the director directly. You aren’t kidding he has a history there in Fernie. I knew he owned quite a few businesses in town but was surprised to see he was also directly involved with the mines when I saw the picture of him and Fernie. Yes I found out he was involved in bootlegging when Wendy mentioned she would give me the grand tour when I come including the tunnel entrance in the basement used for bootlegging. Yes he may have been on the wrong side of the law at times but he also did a lot of good by giving miners a cheap place to stay, selling goods to them without the markup of mine companies, and donating materials to help build the church

      Grandpa used to tell us the story about how somebody once tried to murder him. I still have not found the article at the time of the attempted murder but have read a lot about the black hand society. I would wonder if it was random or targeted but the more I read the more I am sure it was one of them since he wouldn’t pay the extortion. If he was anything like grandpa was there was no way he would have given into their demands. I found myself thinking, wow this sounds more like a movie post than real life events.

      I am sure there is so much more and can’t wait to hear from the museum director.

      Also, thanks for the link to the archives. I will definitely check it out.

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