Park Place Lodge

Fernie for me…

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    • #50551

      Hi there, I’m just putting some feelers out there for some inside info…
      I’m currently selling my business in Cornwall, UK and am hoping to come and stay Fernie way for a few months so I can get the feel of your town and the surrounding area. I’ll be looking for a place to rent and looking for some work. Can I ask if its possible to find work locally for a brit? I really don’t mind what I do and can turn my hand to most things but I want to get the genuine feel of Fernie living and integrate into the community. Any helpful advice would be much appreciated. Thanks in advance and excited already to come stay in paradise

    • #50552

      Your timing is great on many fronts.

      The local ski hill will be closing soon and accommodations should be readily available.

      Unemployment is below average so finding work should be easy.

      The volunteer opportunities are robust and a great opportunity to integrate into the community.

      Safe travels.

    • #50553

      Hi thanks for the reply. I’m now absolutely fired up to get out there now. Exciting life times ahead. Love mtb and keen to volunteer to help maintain the tracks and help in any way needed. See you soon Fernie!

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