Between March 26 and 29 vandals destroyed and removed newly-installed recreation use signs in the Koocanusa area, causing an estimated $5,000 in property damage. The signs were installed to communicate the new regulations for the Koocanusa Recreation Management Area, which limits motorized recreation to designated roads and trails, and restricts Crown land camping to designated sites. The signs also provided resources for more information, including links to digital geo-referenced maps of designated roads, trails and camping areas.
Destroying or damaging property, or rendering property useless or ineffective, is a violation under Section 430 of the Criminal Code of Canada. Responsible individuals could face court ordered monetary fines and/or jail time. If anyone has information on this or other offences, please call the Cranbrook RCMP at 250-489-3471 or Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222-TIPS (8477). Information can also be relayed electronically through the RCMP online crime reporting link here.
Recreation users are reminded that mudbogging and other off-road vehicle use in the Koocanusa Recreation Management area, including along the Koocanusa river bottom, is prohibited and subject to enforcement and penalties. The Conservation Officer Service will be out over this long weekend enforcing these restrictions.
The Koocanusa is an important tourism and recreation area with significant ecological, cultural and resource values. The recreation use signs were an important component to educating and communicating with the public on how to enjoy the area legally, responsibly, and appropriately.
The signs are part of the Koocanusa Recreation Steering Committee (KRSC) efforts to better manage recreation in the Koocanusa area.
Recreation users and other interested stakeholders are encouraged to visit www.koocanusarecreation.ca and sign-up for the KRSC newsletter to stay informed.
Welcome to Koocanusa
Hu sukiⱡkuq̓naⱡaʔni kin wakiⱡ ʔamakʔis Ktunaxa
The Koocanusa Recreation Steering Committee (the Committee) is a partnership between the Province of BC, Ktunaxa Nation Council, Regional District of East Kootenay and Columbia Basin Trust. The Committee is working to develop a recreation strategy for the Koocanusa area that will address the significant concerns raised by local residents, stakeholders, and First Nations regarding the growing impacts of Crown land recreation in the Koocanusa area. The Committee also recognizes the importance and value of recreation in the area and will strive to maintain a balance between allowing recreation use and access to continue, while protecting our most valued resources.