Park Place Lodge

The Fernie Ghostriders held their Annual General Meeting and Election of Officers on May 11 this year and the big news at the meeting was that for the first time in six years (or since the Riders joined the KIJHL) the hockey team lost some real money. The damages last season were $17,067. But reigning Team President Phil Iddon -photo-was not too worried about the loss and even said, “The sky is not falling” Iddon pointed out to the faithful at the meeting there were a few one time expenses that were the difference between a balanced budget and the loss the team had last season and that there were a few things they could change to stop the bleeding.

 Some of the onetime costs the team had last season were, The live game broadcasts on the internet that cost $3300. The new computer for the web casting that cost $2400 and a New makeover of the Ghostrider web site that totaled $2400, And the new faces at the AGM meeting… “Priceless”

… Treasurer Holly Buliziuk pointed out that attendance was down about 200 fans per game last year and the one time trip to Whitehorse cost the team a home gate. Iddon also reminded us that the playoffs were only two four games series and one five game series and that made a big difference, in fact Iddon says with even two more weekend playoff gates the team could have had a balanced budget.

So with about $8000 in web expenses already paid the team will not have that bill to foot this year. The web casting has been taken over by the KIJHL Marketing group and will not cost the team anything next season. It was about $100 a game last year. Advertising is another revenue source that will have to be pushed harder and if you add all these things up the hockey team should be alright. A couple of things will go up though as Campbell’s Harmonized Sales tax will cost the Riders more and some extra money for players will be needed as this is a Cyclone Taylor year and it will cost money to compete at that level.

Overall this was a pretty good meeting with most importantly several new faces attending. For the last several years only the executive showed up to the meeting so it was great to see some interest from the community in how the team is run.

The hockey team is blessed with a few longtime executive members including Phil Iddon who was named as President for the tenth year in a row, it’s a huge job that takes a special person to do successfully. The duo of Dave and Holly Buliziuk (Vice President and Treasurer) who seemingly do everything and Lynda Moulton,(Bingo and Billeting) who is also the longest serving member. A few of the others are Jenny Tress (Booster Club) Rose Mangone, Rocky Feregotto, Jerry Teeple, Cam Kennedy, Dale Nicholson and new comers Wes Horvath and Jeremy Adams. The fans are lucky they have these volunteers.

A sign of the times ? There were no newspaper or radio reporters at the meetinglocal news first…go figure… the biggest draw in town and they miss it.

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