1)             Council Endorsement for possible establishment of a Boys and Girls Club Branch in Fernie


Members of the Boys and Girls Club Initiative advised Council of their interest and aim to establish a Boys and Girls Club for Fernie. Member Kerri Wall provided an overview of the philosophy of the Boys and Girls Clubs of Canada and requested Council endorsement for the group’s proposal. Ms. Wall noted the group’s desire to work collaboratively with the City and other community groups and that the intent is not to duplicate existing services. Boys and Girls Clubs in Canada are an afterschool resource to working parents providing quality programming in over 700 community locations. Council endorsed the concept and recommended the group present to the Leisure Services Advisory Board.


2)             Lease Approved for Fernie Creative Minds Preschool


Council approved the lease of a portion of Max Turyk School and Grounds to Heather Skaien dba Fernie Creative Minds Preschool. The lease is for a period of one (1) year commencing August 1, 2009 with a right of renewal for five (5) additional one (1) year terms, at an initial rate of $4,755.36 per year plus additional rent, being a proportionate share of variable costs defined in the lease, in accordance with the requirements of the Community Charter.


3)             Notice of Lease approved for Creative Energy Arts Factory.


Council authorized Notice of Intended Disposal (a lease) of a portion of Max Turyk School to Alana Rybar O/A Creative Energy Arts Factory for a period of one (1) year commencing August 1, 2009 with a right of renewal for five (5) additional one (1) year terms, at an initial rate of $3,922.92 per year plus additional rent, being a proportionate share of variable costs defined in the lease, in accordance with the requirements of the Community Charter. The lease will be returned after statutory notice for consideration of approval by Council.


4)             Working Model of Akamina #2 Cable Tool Oil Rig on long term loan to the Fernie Derrick Society


Council gave its approval to have the Working Model of the Akamina #2 Cable Tool Oil Rig leased for the sum of $1.00 to the Fernie Derrick Society for a term of ninety-nine (99) years for the purpose of assessment, repair and public display. The Rig will return to the City of Fernie in the event that the Society dissolves or in no longer able to care for or properly display the model. 


5)             Council supports funding a feasibility assessment for a Waste to Energy Project


Elk Valley Subregion Directors within the Regional District of East Kootenay have been in discussions about solid waste costs and alternatives to reduce trucking costs and tipping fees and possibly generate revenue from sale of power through a Waste to Energy project. The Elk Valley Subregion Directors provided municipalities with a report outlining the Waste to Energy process and requested funding support.


Council passed a resolution agree to contribute $6250.00 towards a high level assessment evaluating requirements necessary to make Waste to Energy feasible in the Elk Valley. The funds represent the City of Fernie’s share of the project costs and Council recommended that the Regional District of East Kootenay reimburse municipalities their proportional share of any surplus Solid Waste Management funds remaining at the conclusion of the fiscal year.


6)             Development Variance Permit Applications


Council authorized the issuance of Development Variance Permit No. DVP-221 to Alan and Karina Agate. The permit authorizes the applicants to legalize the siting of the existing single detached dwelling, located at 116 – 15th Street, and to:


a.     Vary the minimum side and rear yard setbacks and the maximum parcel coverage in order to construct a rear addition

b.     Vary the maximum sundeck and step projections to construct a front sundeck and to,

c.     Vary the maximum sundeck projections to construct a rear sundeck.


Council authorized the issuance of Development Variance Permit No. DVP-222 to Schickedanz Properties BC Ltd., c/o Keith Ekman, Ekman Land Surveying Ltd. The permit authorizes the proponent to legalize the siting of the 17-unit multi-family buildings, located at 1422 and 1462 6th Avenue, and to:


a.     Vary the minimum front yard setback and to

b.     Vary the off-street parking requirements from 2.0 sparking spaces per dwelling unit to 1.4 parking spaces per dwelling unit.


7)             Bylaws

a.     Bylaw No. 2102 Subdivision and Development Servicing Bylaw No. 1727, Amendment Bylaw No. 2, 2009 was granted first, second and third readings. This bylaw amends the Subdivision and Development Servicing Bylaw No. 1727 by requiring all residential subdivisions or developments where the land use is to be rural residential to connect to the community sewer system. The change responds to recommendations contained in the 2009 Draft Stage 1 Report for the Liquid Waste Management Plan prepared by Urban Systems which discourages “on-site septic systems for further development within the City boundary”. Further, the change aligns with smart growth principles and policies.


b.    Bylaw No, 2100 Zoning Bylaw No. 1750, Amendment Bylaw 93, 2009 was granted first and second readings and referral to a Public Hearing. The rezoning of 972 – 6th Avenue (Lots 8 & 9, Block 46, District Lot 4588, Kootenay District, Plan 734A) would change the lands from R1 – Single Family Residential to R1B – Single Detached Plus Residential. The zoning change would allow a single family residence plus secondary sited either in the principal building or a detached one.  


c.     Bylaw 2103, cited as 2009 -2013 Five Year Financial Plan Amendment Bylaw No, 2103 was adopted. This bylaw serves to amend 2009-2013 Financial Plan Bylaw No. 2095 to include expenditures and offsetting funding for modifications to the Aquatic Centre chlorination system, the reconstruction of the centre gazebo at Rotary Park, the shared purchase of an arena floor with the District of Sparwood and works required to protect exposed water and sewer pipelines in the Elk River.   


d.    Bylaw 2104, cited as Recreation Facility Reserve Fund Expenditure Bylaw No. 2104 was adopted. This bylaw authorizes the expenditure of funds from the Recreation Facility Reserve to finance all, or a portion of, the replacement of the roofs over the Annex Room and the Zamboni Room at the Fernie Memorial Arena, modifications to the chlorination system at the Aquatic Centre and the shared purchase of an arena floor with the District of Sparwood.


e.     Bylaw 2015, cited as Tax Sale Property Reserve Fund Bylaw No. 2105 was adopted. This bylaw authorizes the expenditure of funds from the Tax Sale Property Reserve to finance a portion of the costs associated with the replacement of the roof at City Hall.


f.      Bylaw 2106, cited as Capital Works, Machinery and Equipment Reserve Fund Bylaw No. 2106 was adopted. This bylaw authorizes the expenditure of funds from the Capital Works, Machinery and Equipment Reserve to finance a portion of the costs associated with the replacement of the roof at City Hall.




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