UBCM Convention Meetings Planned
RDEK Directors will be meeting with several Provincial Ministers and others at the 2015 Union of BC Municipalities Convention. Some of the meetings will include:
– Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations re: funds from the sale of Lake Windermere Foreshore should be used to improve public access to the Lake; and, private managed forest land legislation.
– Minister of Transportation and Infrastructure re: Traffic Study and turning lane on Highway 3 from Ski Hill Road to City of Fernie northern boundary.
– Deputy Minister of Transportation and Infrastructure re: Highway 3 traffic back ups
– Minister of Community, Sport and Cultural Development re: West Fernie Servicing Project; and the status of the Jumbo Glacier Mountain Resort as a municipality
– ALC Chair—re: the status of ALC delegation agreements for Areas A and E
– Minister of Jobs, Tourism and Skills Training re: Columbia Valley Branding and Marketing
– Minister of Environment re: Multi-Material BC and solutions to ensure recycling services are adequately provided in the East Kootenay.

Elko Fire Hall Construction Contract Awarded
The Elko Fire Hall Construction Contract has been awarded to New Dawn Construction. The construction is expected to take about two months to complete. A special thanks goes out to Canfor for donating all the wall lumber for the new 2-bay building.

Interest in Elko Provincial Park Land
The RDEK will notify the Province that it is interested in acquiring the Elko Provincial park land. RDEK staff will prepare a detailed assessment on the lands and the steps necessary to acquire the property.

mine rescue

Mine Rescue Competition Gets Funding

$5000 will be paid from the Electoral Area A portion of the Mine Tax Sharing Funds to the City of Fernie for a contribution toward the cost of hosting the Twelfth-Biennial National Western Region Mine Rescue Competition.

Public Meetings
Elk Valley Community Directed Funds Committee
September 11, 2015—9:00am
Fernie City Hall

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