• In the past 14 days (between Oct 16 and 29) in the East Kootenay Health Service Area, there have been 5 new cases.
• From January 1 to October 29, there have been a total of 43 cases in the East Kootenay Health Service Area.
Latest Provincial Update (as of 4pm Mon, Nov. 2):
• From Oct. 30 to 31, we had 352 new cases. From Oct. 31 to Nov. 1, we had 389 new cases and Nov 1 to Nov 2, we have had a further 379 new cases. This represents a total of 1,120 new cases for a total of 15,501 in BC.
• There are currently 2,945 active cases in BC with 6,448 people under active public health monitoring after being exposed to someone who is COVID-19 positive.
• 12,207 people have recovered.
• There are 90 people in hospital, and 19 in ICU. There have been six COVID-related deaths between Friday and Monday (for a total of 269 since January).
• There have been no new community outbreaks; however, there have been 3 new health-care facility outbreaks. In total, 26 long-term care or assisted-living facilities and two acute-care facilities in BC have active outbreaks.
• In Interior Health, there have been 7 new cases (between Sunday, Nov 1 and Monday Nov 2) , and a total of 777 since January. There are currently 100 active cases in Interior Health, with no one in hospital or ICU.
• Link to yesterday’s full update, including the news conference video (click on the image at the top of the page for video).
• To view the daily BC COVID-19 dashboard (updated at 5:30pm Monday to Friday)
This week it was reported that a member of the Kimberley Dynamiters tested positive.
Although we have not had as many cases to date as some other areas, COVID-19 is here in our region and we need to remain diligent and follow the public health advice to prevent community spread.