Kyle Nissen and Warren Shouldice, both of Calgary, won the silver and bronze medal respectively on Sunday evening in men’s aerials at the Lake Placid aerials World Cup.


Jeret Peterson of the U.S., took the gold with 252.59 points. Nissen, who missed all of last season with a knee injury, followed with 244.92 and Shouldice snared his second bronze in two events this season with a 243.03 score.

Nissen reached a major goal stepping on the podium early in his comeback season.

“I got some good training in the last few weeks and it paid off,” said Nissen. “I felt a lot more comfortable and was able to do my two hardest jumps for the first time this season. It was a bit stressful but I had an excellent performance. I’m so happy to be back on the podium.”

Shouldice, who battled the flu all week in training, executed his most difficult jump in the final, a lay triple full-full which is a quadruple twisting triple back flip with three twists in the second flip.

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