The RDEK is reminding residents about the need to be cautious around all waterways and prepared in the event of seasonal flooding as the warm temperatures this week have resulted in melting of the higher elevation snowpack.

The Elk River and tributaries traditionally experience high water the first week of June.

“We are expecting to see water levels rise as the high-elevation snowpack melts,” says Information Officer, Loree Duczek. “We encourage everyone to stay clear of creek and rivers banks during this spring run-off and urge anyone who lives in an area prone to seasonal flooding to take steps to protect their properties.”

In the Elk Valley self-fill sandbag stations have been set up at Hosmer – Elk River Hostel/Pub – Hwy 3 at 6th Avenue (in the lot south of the pub) **will be fully set up by end of day Friday **:

The sandbag stations have sand and bags; however, residents need to bring their own shovels and gloves. Additional sandbag stations will be set up as conditions warrant.


With river levels rising, the BC River Forecast Centre has issued a High Streamflow Advisory for the East Kootenay, and while no major flooding is expected at this time, minor flooding in low-lying areas or rapid, unpredictable changes in waterways is possible.

The RDEK distributed its seasonal flooding preparedness newsletter to all rural homes and properties in the region a few weeks ago and it is posted on the Flood Preparedness page on along with a host of other links and resources.

The RDEK continues to urge residents to sign up for the regional Evacuation Notification System, which notifies registrants by landline, mobile phone or text in the event their property or marked location is within an evacuation alert or order area. Registration instructions and more information are available on the Emergency Information page on

To learn more about how to prepare for emergencies, build an emergency kit or create a family emergency plan, visit

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