Park Place Lodge

Gearhub Sports stepped up and presented the East Kootenay Foundation for Health (EKFH) with an amazing $5000 donation to go towards the Beneath the Surface Campaign! Mark Hall, Gearhub Manager/Owner, saw there was a need and didn’t hesitate to reach out.

Thank you to Mark and his team at Gearhub for helping to bring the Ultrasound to the Elk Valley! The donation helped the Beneath the Surface campaign wrap up funding for the new ultrasound technology for the Elk Valley Hospital in record time!

The EKFH latest fundraising initiative: Beneath The Surface – a Campaign for Ultrasound Technology for the Elk Valley reached their goal. Over the past few months the foundation raised $300,000 to fund a new ultrasound service for the Elk Valley Hospital. The cost includes a state-of-the-art ultrasound machine, renovations to the room, and all of the accessories to run the service.

The EKFH are so thankful for all of the supporters. Because of all of you they have been able to provide communities in the East Kootenay with new equipment and patient comfort, even during uncertain times!

A big thank you to Gearhub Sports, Fernie’s favourite sports store.

(Above photo: Brenna Baker,EKFH, and Mark Hall)

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