Park Place Lodge

Effective on Friday, August 4th, the operation of any off-road vehicle for recreational purposes on Crown land will be prohibited throughout the Southeast Fire Centre. In addition, all on-highway vehicles must remain on defined road surfaces–this effective eliminates crown land camping. Camping is only permitted at official BC Parks or private camping sites. Be forewarned, the officials are patrolling and evicting campers from Crown Land sites.

This step is being taken to help prevent human-caused wildfires and protect public safety. The operation of any off-road vehicles in these regions during the current wildfire situation creates a potential wildfire risk. While jeeps, trucks and other on-highway vehicles are permitted on designated roads, they are not allowed off-road.

The prohibition of off-road vehicles and on-highway vehicles does not apply to private lands or national parks. It also does not apply to emergency responders or to agriculture or commercial/ industrial users who operate vehicles for farming, emergency response or business purposes.

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