Fernie Memorial Arena was transformed into a hub of market activity this past Saturday night as the Rod and Gun Club held the annual Awards night and fundraiser.

The perimeter of the space was lined with amazing taxidermy models, tables laden with silent auction items such as guns, fishing gear and framed animal artwork, antlers of all types and sizes, tables of food, and even a free massage area as well as several stations for beverage pickup.

A large, tall stage was situated at one side used for announcements and awards presentations. Tables directly in front of the stage held buckets where people put tickets for items they wanted to participate in for draws. Decorative lighted trees added a festival touch to the room.

Over seven hundred people sat down to a dinner of chicken, roast beef, salads, veggies and dessert sponsored by Overwaitea.
People came from far away to be part of this event that was dubbed by many attendees as the “event of the year.” MLA Bill Bennett said this is the only Club to have such a huge fundraiser. Winner of several awards and long- time member Mario Rocca said they had to turn people away that wanted tickets to the event as they sold out quickly without even advertising.

The evening was made even more festive by the enthusiastic tones of MC and announcer Bronco Horvath who is simply phenomenal in his ability to keep a crowd entertained with his comments and music by Jeff McRae.

Club president Kevin Marasco was also announcer and the presenter of all the awards given out that evening. Especially touching was when his own son won an award and after presenting Kevin gently tousled the top of his head. A lot of visible pride in a simple gesture, and there lies the strength of this organization. As Bronco kept pointing out as child after child came up to get awards for excellence, these tiny ones are the future of the club. The evening was especially significant to me as a non-member in that I saw an event where parents and children were having a wonderful time together, enjoying a meal, receiving awards and being shown that they, the children are a most important part of the organization.

The Club puts a lot of emphasis on family and children. Kevin Marasco and his team of members put a lot of effort into activities like fishing, hunting and archery to teach them a respectable code of principles that will last them a lifetime and will actually lead to successful lives as they grow to adulthood. The pride of achievement reflected on the faces of the kids as they were handed their award and had photos taken was very visible to all and delightful to behold. Proving that the people who belong to this club really do show respect for and value for one another and the environment and who do act as good stewards of the resources available
Congratulations to the Rod and Gun Clubs of this area for a very successful and entertaining event.

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