The City of Fernie has received major grant funding through the Union of BC Municipalities (UBCM) for two important community projects, the Mountview Dike Upgrade and completing a Housing Needs Report.

$750k in funding is earmarked for completing Phase 1 of the Mountainview Dike Upgrade project. This project is planned for 2020 and addresses recommendations in the City of Fernie Flood Mitigation Plan.

“This project is another important step towards increasing our Community’s resiliency to future flood risk,” explained Mayor Ange Qualizza. “We are fortunate to have an excellent document in the Flood Mitigation Plan to guide our planning, and to have government funding to support these important initiatives.”

The funding supports the installation of new permanent structural flood protection works to close gaps in the existing diking system to protect homes, critical municipal infrastructure, facilities, recreation and sport amenities. The money will also be used for upgrades and major repairs to the existing dike.

Request for Proposals

$20K is dedicated to support the completion of a Housing Needs Assessment, a report all municipalities in BC are required to complete that identifies current and anticipated housing needs within the community.

Mayor Qualizza said, “Housing needs continue to define the significant challenges faced by resort communities, which is why Council prioritized moving through the newly defined Housing Needs Report Program.”

“This new reporting requirement is a step in the right direction of moving local governments to a place where we report accurately on our housing needs with both quantitative and qualitative information to assist us in developing a housing strategy that delivers on needs specific to Fernie.” Mayor Qualizza adds.

The City of Fernie has budgeted $50,000 for this project and is very grateful to have received a $20,000 Provincial grant through the new UBCM Housing Needs Reports Program.

The City of Fernie gratefully acknowledges the financial support of the Province of British Columbia.

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