An event held every year by the Fernie Lions Club as an expression of gratitude to their volunteers drew nearly a hundred people on Saturday March 12, 2016 at the Legion Hall.

Members from Fernie, Sparwood, Elkford, Jaffray, Baynes Lake and Cranbrook gathered to enjoy a delicious roast beef feast prepared by the Legion Ladies Auxiliary at the annual appreciation dinner.
MC was long-time member Rick Ganter and this year’s recipient of the Fernie Citizen of the Year award for the many hours of dedicated service to this community.
Rick introduced the head table with newly elected Legion president Jennifer Cronin and husband Bob, Mayor Mary Giuliano and spouse Nick, Lions secretary Corinne Hoetmer and husband Ryan also a member of the Lions, and Lions treasurer Linda Story and husband Paul also a long time member. President of the Lions Club Ted Shoesmith was working out of town and so unable to attend the dinner.
The Fernie Lions has long been a mainstay club for this area fundraising to help the hearing impaired and those with special needs. They are identified with and also probably best known for the Demolition Derby event that they organize each year on Labour Day that attracts thousands of people to view the many competitors.
Members present from Sparwood included longest member Ron Linkert (42 years).
Mayor Giuliano thanked the Lions and all the volunteers on behalf of Council and the City of Fernie, saying “Congratulations for all the enthusiasm and diligence you show year after year and for all that you accomplish. Volunteers like you are the heart and soul of your communities; without you the clubs wouldn’t survive and events such as the Demo Derby wouldn’t exist. Council is fully aware of the important contributions all of you, our most valued volunteers make towards making life easier for citizens and for the community as a whole and we are grateful and thank you for what you do. You make each community the wonderful place it is”.
The Lions Club has long been a group willing to assist other groups in need.
Secretary Corinne said the members do a lot of things together as a collective group aside from the work they do on their own. Members help with the Salvation Army Kettle campaign in December as well as donate hampers to those in need. They serve treats at the senior homes like Rocky Mountain Village and Tom Uphill Manor and provide funding to Girl Guides, Brownies, the junior golf program and the junior Ghostriders hockey team.
They tend bar at social events, and perform security at the figure skating events, donate to Stars, to seniors cribbage and tournaments, to the Ghostrider team, they have purchased kids golf team jerseys and all the local Lions clubs help at the annual Kikomun Run organized for the students of all schools by donating and preparing the food for the participants. These are only some of what this group does to assist the communities in the area.
The Club is always looking for new members, if you enjoy being part of a group that accomplishes so much for your community please get in touch with any Lions member for information to join.