Fernie is bear country and the bears are awake, hungry and looking for an easy snack. This past there have been several sightings on trails and in town. It’s time to be Bear Aware and take the appropriate action with your garbage to protect our valley friends!
A brown colored black bear was seen in a backyard Friday on Pine Avenue. A Grizzly bear was reported by Coal Creek Bridge, it most likely was a brown colored bear reported as a grizzly. Other sightings were throughout the Annex subdivision and behind the Leroux Mansion on 4th avenue.

Fernie is bear country, be prepared and expect to see bears anytime. Thank you for leading by example by bear proofing your properties and helping your neighbours do the same. If you see a bear, stop, remain calm, identify yourself as human, back away slowly (never run or turn your back on wildlife) and leave the bear an escape route. For more information on wildlife safety go to www.wildsafebc.com