Park Place Lodge

The Ghostriders went into Invermere on Tuesday night for a leisurely skate and usual 7-1 win over the undermanned Rockies. The shots were a ridiculous 61-19 for the Ghostriders. Ty Morton, and Andrew White had 3 points each while Brendon Mangone chipped in with 2 goals. The other scorers were Zach Traverse Austin Evans, Derek Georgopoulos and Connor McLaughlin. Chris Solecki got the win in net. Very few penalties in this game and 200 watched.

Photo Andrew White- 3 assists Tuesday

Ty Morton and Connor McLaughlin are now tied with 10 points each for the Riders scoring lead. With the win the Ghostriders will not be part of the answer to the KIJHL’s trivia question on their site. Who will be the first team to win a game, Invermere, Chase or Grand Forks.

For Ghostrider home games click here.

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