The Fernie Chamber of Commerce is thrilled to announce the success of its 1st Annual Golf Tournament held at The Fernie Golf Club on June 15th. The sellout event exceeded all expectations, bringing together local businesses, community members, and golf enthusiasts for an unforgettable day of friendly competition filled with laughter and camaraderie.
This FUNdraiser tournament kicked off at 2pm sharp with a shotgun start. Teams played on the front 9 and were greeted at each hole by a hole sponsor who entertained participants as they waited to tee off. Hole sponsors hosted games such as marshmallow longest drive and who could hammer in the most nails in 90 seconds. Other hole sponsors challenged teams’ knowledge with trivia games such as Fernie real estate Price is Right and skill testing questions from not-for-profits Elk River Alliance and AmbassadorWILD.

Teams were kept on pace by the one and only MC host Martin Brock who toured the course with co-pilot Jesse Ross who both sported referee jerseys and kept teams entertained and on time. Following the 9 hole round golfers were greeted back at the club house for Après. Ideal weather and stunning views created a perfect setting for participants to enjoy the full Après experience on the club house patio. The event was followed by an incredible buffet dinner by Cooks Catering and a silent auction. The silent auction created some friendly bidding amongst participants raising further funds for the Chamber.
The Fernie Chamber of Commerce would like to extend its sincere gratitude to all the sponsors, donors, and participants who contributed to the tournament’s overwhelming success. The collective efforts highlight the strong community spirit that defines Fernie and the Chamber’s commitment to being a vibrant business support organization for local businesses, community partners and citizens. All proceeds generated from the tournament will be reinvested back into the Chamber, enabling the Chamber to grow the capacity of the organization to better deliver on member priorities, valuable services and advocacy initiatives on behalf of its members. The Chamber remains dedicated supporting businesses in Fernie and sustainably strengthening the local economy and quality of life in Fernie.