Royal Canadian Army Cadets Corps (IPPCLI) of Fernie held its 50th Annual Cadet Review on June 7, 2014.

The event was held at the Fernie Arena before parents, grandparents, family and friends as well as David Black from the Royal Canadian Legion, Mary Giuliano City of Fernie, Capt. Michael Blackwell RCSU, Annabel Stewart chair of the Sponsorship Committee, Sgt. Will Thien of the RCMP, Lieutenant Dave Kurschenska of the Fernie Fire Department, and Steve Droste of Joy Global.

Also on hand were Commanding Officer Captain Peaches Pennock, Administration Officer Lt. Deneen Ganter, Training and Supply Officer CI Dan Kurschenska, and Support Services Mr. Kim Ward and Mr. Kevin Cullen.

The Reviewing Officer was Captain James M.P. Cressall of Edmonton Alberta. Captain Cressall joined the Forces in 2006, completed a BA Degree in History at the Royal Military College in 2010 and then on completion of Infantry Officer training was posted to the First Battalion Princess Patricia’s Canadian Light Infantry. He has worked with NATO Training Mission in Kabul and since returning has held various positions with the Battalion and most recent assisted with support of flood relief efforts in High River, AB.

Inspection of Cadets was conducted by Captain Cressall with several of the invited guests with Marches and Demonstrations of Range and Rifle Drill by the Cadets.

Captain Cressall said in his speech that he was very impressed with the Cadets performance and on knowing that the Cadet movement in Fernie was celebrating a 50th anniversary, said, “This is a big deal, amazing for a town of this size to be able to keep this going for this length of time. This is an important milestone, 50 is huge. It’s incredible all the hard work, summers and all year round that you do, I encourage you to carry on”.

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As Mayor I made the following comments, I support youth organizations including the cadet program that I consider to be very important as it provides a great educational experience for those of you involved in this movement. Not only does it give each of you the opportunity to increase your knowledge but in turn each becomes a valuable asset to this community by supporting the Legion as well as supporting the people of Fernie in different ways.

Remembrance Day could never be the same without your participation in the parade or at the cenotaph. Your presence at the service adds more than can be explained by words. That contribution and your volunteer work in this community is deeply appreciated by the City of Fernie. Congratulations Army Cadets, you are truly special.

I then presented each one with a City pin and told them that I was very pleased with their performance and abilities, that they are wonderful representatives of the youth of Fernie and that they make us all very proud. I also commented that I was delighted to see so many females in the program.

It truly was delightful to watch these young people in uniform performing an impressive march and demonstrations. This particular group is very talented, very confident and well spoken. Parents and Officers can be very proud of them.

Lt. Ganter said she “was a cadet years ago with the same Corps and it was very special for her to be there today at her old Corp”.

She praised them saying “you nailed it, your commands were clear, you were spectacular,” adding “without the support of parents and others there would be no Cadets, it has been seventeen years for me, I have enjoyed this time and will carry on.”

Thanks were expressed to the Legion, Ladies Auxiliary, City of Fernie, Lions Club, PJB Crane, Fernie Fire Department, Home Hardware Building and others and then Bev Mandel presented the Cadets with a $1000 cheque from the Legion Auxiliary to help the Cadets attend a 100th anniversary event in Edmonton where Captain Cressall is stationed.

The day included a static display of items upstairs at the Legion hall folllowed by a luncheon served and prepared by the Legion Auxiliary.

Awards presented are; Royal Canadian Legion Cadet Medal of Excellence to WO Sawyer Ward Excellence. Lord Strathcona Medal to WO Alias Engelhardt. Green Star Cadet to L/Cpl. Elizabeth Pater. Red Star Cadet to Cpl. Juliana Pater. Silver Star Cadet to Sgt. Christopher Tussa. Most Improved Cadet to M/Cpl. Zachary Watson. Best Shot Award to M/Cpl. India Stewart. CO’s Award for Dress and Deportment to M/Cpl. Anthony Milligan.
Cadets on Parade: India Stewart, Zachary Watson, M/Cpl. Robert Angus, Anthony Milligan, M/Cpl. Turner Loewen, M/Cpl.Colton Skead, Juliana Pater, Elizabeth Pater.
Parade Position: Parade Commander WO Alias Engelhardt
Platoon Commander: WO Sawyer Ward
Platoon Sergeant: Sgt. Christopher Tuusa
Demonstrations: Range/Biatholon Team- Sgt. Christopher Tuusa, M/Cpl. Turner Loewen, M/Cpl. Zachary Watson , L/Cpl. Elizabeth Pater.

As was said several times this program couldn’t exist without the assistance of volunteers like Dan Kurschenska who has been involved for twenty years as well as Peaches Pennock, Deneen Ganter, Annabel Stewart, Kevin Cullen, Kim Ward, parents and sponsoring individuals and organizations. Thanks goes to everyone who has kept this valuable program going the past fifty years and those that will still be doing so in the future.

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