Park Place Lodge

December is a month of joy

Merry Christmas to you, Happy Holidays–May the Universe provide you with a Blessed and Most Happy and Prosperous New Year

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Heiko Celebrated

Heiko picked up the old school building with the idea of turning it into high-end condos.

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Keep the Wild in Your Life

“There’s a crack in everything. That’s how the light gets in.” Leonard Cohen I’m walking down a freshly cut logging […]

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A blind date

Opening day at the ski hill is kind of like a blind date arranged by a cousin.

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Fernie month of Monsoons

In Whitefish they asked, “Has it rained like this in Fernie?” “Yes. Like a Fernie month of monsoons.” “We’ve had […]

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Fernie Mayor Update

Darlene explained the reason that there are children suffering today is that when those abused kids became adults and had children of their own they had no idea of how to love and so the suffering continues.

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Sparwood’s 50th Anniversary

Congratulations Sparwood on your 50th anniversary of incorporation as a District and thank you for fifty years of being an excellent neighbour!

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