Through public safety programs, non-profit organizations provide emergency and lifesaving services including search and rescue activities, volunteer fire departments, emergency preparedness, community and restorative justice for people in this province.
This program helps create jobs and increases employment opportunities for recent college and university graduates, a workforce that is essential when it comes to meeting the Basin’s current and future business needs
The Conservation Director for Wildsight moved to the East Kootenay from Wisconsin, USA in 1969 with the late great mountaineer and conservationist Art Twomey in search of a wild place to live.
The review of the region’s Solid Waste Management Plan is now underway and the RDEK is hoping that residents and property owners will get involved and engaged in the process.
With patches of snow on the ground, it’s a day for jackets and hoods up to protect ears from the cold. It’s Wednesday, November 14, 2018, and a group of ninth graders is traipsing across an abandoned hay field outside Cranbrook with loppers and shovels in hand to oo and learn in wild backyards.