Take a look at the 2017 Annual Municipal Report. The report contains audited financial statements, permissive tax exemptions, and objectives and measures.
The SE Fire Centre / BC Wildfire Service has announced that a Category 2 Open Burning Ban started Friday July 6th at 12PM throughout the Southeast Fire Centre’s jurisdiction.
Four students from around the Basin will receive a Neil Muth Memorial Scholarship. The scholarship was established in 2017 by the Muth family and Columbia Basin Trust.
The City of Fernie commissioned high water studies on Coal Creek, Fairy Creek and the Elk River to better understand the risk that flooding poses to our community.
The City is moving forward with a three-year pilot soil management project in an effort to improve soil health, better turf conditions and over the long term reduce the need for pesticides on City properties.
Last year the City of Fernie heard concerns from the public about the application of pesticides in public spaces and health. This year they are doing something about it!