Park Place Lodge

CBT announces $9M for Recreation

The grants will help fund improvements to structures and spaces like backcountry trail networks, swimming pools, ice rinks, curling arenas, sports fields and parks

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Fernie’s Fresh Perspective

Fernie has already surpassed last years highest recorded snowpack and have seen the snow continue to keep refreshing itself with regular snowfalls

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It Snows in Fernie

By Ryland Nelson It snows in Fernie…and it doesn’t stop! There was a lot of hype in the pre-season about […]

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Paragliding Fernie

Fernie has a small group of dedicated paragliders that launch off the 6900ft Morrissey Ridge. They can be seen soaring […]

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Fernie Cougar Encounters

As a result of the encounters the trails were closed for a couple of days while the Conservation Officers accessed the area and now the trails have reopened

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