Park Place Lodge

The local chapter of the Canadian Cancer Society held a fashion show on Thursday March 26, at 7:00 pm at the Senior’s Centre in Fernie.

Pretty gal table Gals in black Gal in pink FAshonable girls

This annual event was begun years ago so that canvassing kits could be distributed but it has since evolved into an evening of appreciation and entertainment.

Longtime member of the Society Bev Delyea welcomed everyone present and introduced Lynnette Wray, M.Ed. Team Lead, Financial Support Program for CCS based in Cranbrook.

Wray said that 1.3 million dollars of support was distributed last year with $700,000 going to assist 1500 clients in the Southern Interior. “No matter where you live you are assessed in the same manner” she said. Adding that prevention, research and support is emphasized.

Nearly 100 ladies attended the evening and enjoyed delicious desserts and fresh fruit, coffee, tea and juice and a fashion show put on by Odyssey and Ghostrider Trading Company.

Delyea thanked the volunteers and especially the ladies working in the kitchen. She said it was obvious from the turnout that their group has “a whole community of support and lots of help from canvassers and the United Church Ladies”. She added that although there is a lot of support the Society itself in Fernie has only five members that attend meetings regularly and she invited anyone interested to contact them to join.

Yvonne Molle from Odyssey has been organizing a fashion show for the Society for over ten years and this year her lovely models showcased a variety of gorgeous items that included pieces by Canadian designers.

Bright colours, stripes, patterns, sheer overlays, maxi dresses, sleeveless cocktail dresses, red and white, and lots of prints are what is currently fashionable.

Sonya from Ghostrider Trading Company and her models displayed sheer black overlay tops, asymmetrical styles dresses, patterned and solid tights, striped sweaters, fresh pinks and blues, cropped pants, beautiful handbags and shoes.

Society members Barb Kosiec and Alice Ferrarelli were recognized for ten years of service, Geri Rocca five years, Judy Lillington off and on for several years, Evelyn Cutts for two years.

Delyea said of Cutts that “if you want something done ask a busy woman”.

Winners of the Posters sponsored by Evelyn Cutts and Kookanusa Campground are first prize, Emily Stratton, second, Lyric Dominic and third Laura Dykhuizen. All students are from Isabella Dicken Elementary School.

After the fashion show ended door prizes were drawn and participants enjoyed a social evening.

Thanks goes to this amazing group of ladies for the volunteer work they do in this community year after year.

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If you need support of have any questions, contact us.
Canadian Cancer Society

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