The BC Wildfire Service continues to respond to the Plumbob Mountain wildfire that originated approximately 18 kilometres west of the community of Baynes Lake,on the west side of Koocanusa Lake.
The fire is currently estimated to be 286 hectares in size and is out of control. In the interest of public and responder safety, an area restriction is now in effect for the Plumbob Mountain area.
The restriction applies to Crown land within the geographic boundaries described below and outlined in the correlated map:
• Commencing on the West side of Lake Koocanusa at Caven Creek FSR.
• Caven Creek Road continuing west-northwest along Teepee Creek Main FSR to intersection with Teepee Ck.
• Gold Creek (Plumbob Creek) FSR continuing in a straight line southwest to a point on Caven.
• Haller Creek FSR at northeast corner of Cherry Lake, continuing in a straight line southeast to Gold Mountain then directly east in a straight line to Linklater Main FSR following Linklater Main north to Caven.
• Gilnockie Crk FSR proceeding NE along Caven.
• Gilnockie Crk FSR back to point of commencement.
• Note: Travel along the Teepee Creek FSR and the Linklater is permitted but access into the restricted area from those FSR’s not permitted.
HEre is the map of the Area Restriction:
Under this Order and section 11(2) of the Wildfire Act, a person must not remain in or enter the restricted area, unless the person:
1) first receives written authorization of an official designated for the purposes of the Wildfire Act, or
2) enters the area only in the course of:
(a) travelling to or from his or her residence, that is not under an evacuation order;
(b) travelling to or from private or leased property for the purpose of accessing a secondary or recreational property, that is not under an evacuation order;
(c) using a highway as defined in the Transportation Act;
(d) travelling as a person acting in an official capacity as defined in s.56 of the Wildfire Act; or
(e) travelling for the purpose of supporting wildfire suppression or enforcement patrol activities.
Road closures and area restrictions are subject to change depending on fire activity. For the most current information please visit the bans and restrictions section of the BC Wildfire website for the Southeast Fire Centre, or visit: http://ow.ly/usva30rPN6i.
To report a wildfire, unattended campfire or open burning violation, call 1 800 663-5555 tollfree or *5555 on a cellphone. For the latest information on current wildfire activity, burning restrictions, road closures and air-quality advisories, visit: http://www.bcwildfire.ca or download the BC Wildfire App free for Apple and Android devices.
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