Not sure how August arrived so quickly but do know that despite the heat City Hall has been as busy as ever.

Regularly scheduled and special meetings included citizens coming forward with concerns regarding off leash dogs on the dyke and other areas of town and their negative impact on residents. Many comments presented to Council stated encounters by dogs off leash and the cavalier attitude of owners seemingly unconcerned for the negative impact and lack of safety felt by the people affected. The bylaw officer is working various hours weekly in an effort to witness such behaviour and will issue tickets. However, it should be common courtesy by all dog owners to respect users of trails and dykes. If such an incident happens and the bylaw officer isn’t available it is possible to call the local RCMP detachment for assistance.

The budget was passed with the consolidated statement of operations for the year ended December 31, 2014 showing revenues of $13,953,014, expenditures of $12,064,193 and an annual surplus of $1,888,821. Consolidated schedule of tangible capital assets for the same period are at $111,255,059. The entire report is available for perusal at City Hall.

A letter was sent to council by a resident stating that she felt reprimanded by the Mayor during a council meeting. She suggested that clearer instructions should be provided to the public in regards to procedure during public hearings.

Public hearings aren’t part of the regular meeting although it is included during the meeting. The meeting is run by the Mayor who reads a statement before the hearing commences that states in part, “Any person present who believes his or her interest in property is affected shall be given an opportunity to be heard on matters contained,(in the application) no one will be or should feel discouraged or prevented from making his or her views known. However, it is important that all who speak at this meeting restrict their remarks to matters contained (in the application) and it is my responsibility as Chairperson of this hearing to ensure that all remarks are so restricted. Those of you who speak should at the appropriate time, commence your address to the Council by clearly stating your name and address, then you may share your views. Council may ask questions (for clarification) however the main function of Council is to listen to the views of the public. It is not the function of Council during the Public Hearing to debate the merits of the proposed permits with individual citizens.”

It is obvious that the above statement although read out loud isn’t completely understood to mean that the public needs to address all comments to the chair. This is protocol during council meetings that is set by the Council Procedure Bylaw of local government, it isn’t something set by any individual mayor and it applies to Councillors as well as the public. When someone wants to express their point of view at a meeting or during a public hearing no comments are to be directed to other members of the gallery or to the applicant. No debate is allowed between the speaker and Councillors or members of the public. At this particular hearing I asked the resident to direct comments to the chair and not to gallery members. This was taken as rudeness and that is regretful as Council appreciates and encourages public participation. Clearer direction will be provided in the future to make sure no one leaves feeling they have been deliberately slighted as Council is very appreciative of public involvement and greatly encourages participation at Council meetings.

Jemi Fibre Corp presented before Council on July 27, the Woodlands Manager assured that clear-cutting of forests visible from Fernie is not in their plan. Close attention will be paid as if this were to happen it would be very detrimental to our area environmentally, economically and aesthetically.

A decision was made on the placement and building of public washrooms in the downtown core in the City owned parking lot at Station Square as well as designating two permanent parking spots for Mobile Vendors.
Decisions made take time to implement because that is the way of local government but residents in Mountview will soon have repaved roads, Ridgemont Park is open with trees and benches happening either in the fall or next spring. Unsightly properties receiving notifications have cleaned up with several getting notice that if they don’t it will get done and costs attached to tax bills.

Kudos to the artists that painted the dumpster bins, they certainly add to the beautification of town. Aiden Lindsey was chosen as favorite artist by voters and is also the artist responsible for the stunning image in the alley behind the Castle on 1st, thanks to the building owner for having the vision to commission that art work.

I attend many events, the FSS grad ceremony to present awards and to provide words of advice is such an honor to perform as well as presenting the City award and congratulations to grads from the TFA. This year I attended four parades, organized the Library volunteer dinner, and attended the Federation of Canadian Municipalities in Edmonton along with three councillors. I was also at the Highway 3 Mayors meeting in Castelgar. City Hall held a Worker’s Day of Mourning ceremony to honor workers killed or injured on the job, a noon barbecue to hand out long service awards, the Fire department held pancake breakfast fundraisers, and it was a pleasure to speak at the opening of the Angel Garden, of the Independent Store, the Bike Book launch and the announcement regarding the large funding from the Federal and Provincial governments for West Fernie and James White Well projects. It was also fun to volunteer at Wapiti this year.

MAry G group
I’ve given radio and TV interviews and unveiled the beautiful sculpture produced by Sandra Barrett that sits in between Brown’s shop and Eye of the Needle.

Sculpture by Sandra barrett

I chair the committee responsible for planning the Mine Rescue competition coming up September 11/12. This year’s competition, the largest of its kind is celebrating the 100th year anniversary in the Elk Valley and 60 year anniversary in BC, please make sure to take in tasks competitions held at the Arena and public works yard, all events open to the public.

Transcanada trail

I also chair the CBT Community Directed Funds and the decision was made to provide funding to the Fernie Trails Alliance to produce trails linking the Valley, this funding is to be matched by TransCanada Trail as it will be part of the Canada wide trail system linking our country from coast to coast.

The above is only a portion of what I have been busy with the past three months. I want to extend thanks and Congratulations to the organizers of the many events that have been taking place the past months. Your efforts and hard work are keeping this town vibrant. Thank you all!

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