Park Place Lodge

Most Valuable Player was # 31 Jason Greenwell
Jason is a KIJHL All-Star who played three seasons with the Ghostriders winning one KIJHL Championship and a Bronze Medal at the Cyclone Taylor. Good luck in the future Jason.

The Most Exciting Player was # 17 James Werner. Easily the most talented player the Riders had this season and he is only 19 and can play another year.

The Rookie of the Year Was Brendan Hawryluk. Brendan and his Brother Bond and whoever they played with, dominated when they were on the ice.

The Most Improved Player was Brendon Mangone. Mangone came in as a sixteenyear old kid but will leave Fernie as a seventeen year old man. Great improvment over the season !

Best Defenseman Scott Anderson Scott has played in Fernie since he was sixteen each year getting a little better and now he’s the Top Defenseman.Was nice watching you grow Scott… Good luck in the future.

Most Inspirational Player Mitch Board
A real old style player who can catch and punish even the fastest players in the league.

The Unsung Hero Award Mark Strachan
Mark isn’t in on a lot of the scoring but they don’t score on us when he’s on the ice either.. does all the little things the coaches love.

The Top Scorer Jesse NiemiJesse came to Fernie near the end of last season and led the team in scoring in the playoffs. Then this season he did it again and in the regular season. Good luck in the future Jesse !

Top Play Off Player Bond Hawryluk

Bond scored the most goals in the playoffs, when he and Brendan were on the ice this year even if they didn’t score they had control of the puck limiting any scoring chances against.

The Twenty Year Olds

Assistant Coach Shawn Potyok has just completed
his sixth season with the Fernie Ghostriders. The hockey team can not thank him enough.

Holly and Dave Buliziuk two of the most important board members. Holly looks after the money and dave looks after everything else.

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