Fernie has an outstanding team of health care professionals and health related services.

Elk Valley Family Society
The EVFS is non-profit charitable organization. In partnership with BC Housing, they currently provide a number of housing programs offering different levels of support in Fernie and Sparwood.
Elk Valley Hospice
Elk Valley Hospice is a non-profit organization with a group of dedicated, passionate, trained volunteers serving the communities of the Elk Valley. They offer FREE support for those facing an end-of-life experience, their families and loved ones, as well as grief companioning. Call: 250-423-4453 Ext: 38109
Elk Valley Hospital
The Elk Valley Hospital is a Level 1 Community Hospital in the East Kootenay health service area. Located in Fernie, south east B.C., the hospital offers services including inpatient, obstetrics, and emergency.
The Fellaship provides a safe and inclusive group for men to connect and support one another.
Suicide Crisis Centre
If you are in crisis and/or distress and require immediate response, please contact us through our Distress Line telephone number or chat online here. Suicide Crisis Line at: 1.800.784.2433