Fernie Council Update
1. AGREEMENTS, LICENCES PERMITS & POLICIES 1.1 Development Variance Permit No. DVPA-374 for the property at 191-1st Avenue. Council authorized [...]

Mountain Caribou in the South Selkirks
It is unfortunate and sad to be targeting wolves when we know it isn’t wolves that have created this situation

Canada surpasses Brazil as global leader in deforestation
The world’s virgin forests are being lost at an increasing rate and the largest portion of the degradation is in [...]

March Mayor’s update
Council and staff are in budget meeting mode trying to cement down a financial plan that will fulfill the desires [...]

Fernie Ghostrider award winners
Here are this years Fernie Ghostrider award winners, by Assistant Coach James Ouimet. Joel Burgess MVP and Most Exciting Joel [...]

Flathead River Valley Open for Coal Mining Despite Ban
B.C.’s Flathead River Valley is still open to mountain top removal coal mining and coalbed methane development because a federal [...]

Gerald Amos: No Apology Forthcoming
Recently there has been a lot of criticism by supporters of the tar sands, and oil industry front groups, of [...]

Niedermayer backs anti-Jumbo
Opponents of the long-proposed Jumbo Glacier Resort near Cranbrook went on the offensive in the B.C. legislature Tuesday, with retired [...]

Flathead Far From Protected Despite Legislation
Legislation to ban mining and energy development in B.C.’s Flathead River Valley is a welcome first step but the Flathead [...]

Gentleman’s Agreement to protect Flathead
An ongoing effort to protect a shared river drainage on the BC-Montana border from mining damage will not inhibit recreational [...]

Fernie Rod and Gun Club: Save the Flathead
Once again there is a big push to develop a National Park in the Flathead Valley. The Fernie Rod and [...]

UNESCO World Heritage Committee to Release Flathead Valley Report
Flathead Still Under Threat from Clear-Cut Logging and Quarrying, Say Conservation Groups Impending clear-cut logging, mining, expanded road access and [...]