Park Place Lodge


Fernie Council Meeting

BYLAWS 1.1 2013-2017 Five Year Financial Plan Amendment Bylaw No. 2221, 2013 was adopted by Council. The bylaw amends the […]

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Mary’s July Update

This past Thursday Rocky Mountain Village held its annual barbecue for residents and family members. A hot summer day with […]

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Fernie Council Meeting

1.1 Bylaw No. 2189, cited as Zoning Bylaw 1750, Amendment No. 135, 2012 for Lot A, District Lot 4588, Kootenay […]

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A Long Walk Home to Fernie

The phone rang mid-morning a couple days ago. It was Sean Staplin. “Hey.” “Hey yourself. Where are you?” “Just about […]

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A dose of Italy

In 1989 I returned to Italy for the first time since immigrating to Canada. After landing in Rome I turned […]

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