Fernie.com E-mail offers Fernie’s only branded premium email service. Personalize your email address to ‘yourname@fernie.com’ and utilize from 1GB to 25GB of email storage with the following service:
• Basic: 1GB of memory, webmail and email client $48/year
• Professional: 25GB of memory $95/year
• Webmail login @ mail.fernie.com
• Wizard email client setup for MAC, Windows and Android
• IMAP supported
• Calendar, Address book and Tasks
• Comprehensive spam and virus protection
Apply for your Fernie.com email here
fernie.com Mail Settings
Incoming Mail Server: netsol-imap-oxcs.hostingplatform.com
Ports: IMAPS (993)
POP3S (995)
Outgoing Mail Server: netsol-smtp-oxcs.hostingplatform.com
Port: Start TLS (587) ‘Preferred Port/Protocol’
SSL (465) ‘if your client does not support Start TLS’