Federal General Election Day

Canada’s 45th federal general election day will take place on Monday, April 28, 2025.

When does voter registration close?
You can register in advance online until April 22 at 6 p.m. After that, you’ll have to register on arrival when you go to vote or in person at an Elections Canada office. Registering in advance will streamline the process when you visit a voting station.

You can find out more about how to register as a voter or to check your voter registration online here. If you need assistance registering, you can also call 1-800-463-6868.

When does advance voting start?
Advance voting will take place from April 18 to 21, during a Friday-to-Monday period. Advance voting stations will be open from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m.

Fernie’s voting venue will be announced shortly.

Read about your local candidates here.

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