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  • in reply to: FAR….count me out!! #14256
    "canatedian":1djazcgh wrote:
    How many people come to our beautiful Valley as visitors and leave bitching about prices? Line ups? ANSWER: None. [/quote:1djazcgh]

    Ha! I’ve worked a couple of seasons at the hill and I’ll tell you that pleanty of people bitch about these things.

    I think the point is that while prices continue to increase, the service remains exactly the same, or in some opinions, declines. Generally when companies raise costs to customers its to improve services and facilities.

    Fernie would still be flourishing without RCR. Its a nasty company and I roll my eyes at it. And at you. :roll:

    in reply to: FAR….count me out!! #14250

    I wish I hadn’t bought my pass so quickly this spring. I think you are right that people will stop buying passes. Especially if they have another season or two like last year. Last year’s weather damaged FAR’s reputation a bit, but everyone’s entitled to a bad year. If it happens again, there may be more effect.

    Where do you find email addresses to reach specific people? The only one I found on the webpage was info@

    in reply to: Resort Improvements #14225

    I’m a little disappointed with what’s been done to Easter Bowl. It was better off left alone in my opinion.

    in reply to: FAR….count me out!! #14248

    Wow. FAR went too far.

    That may be the biggest load of garbage yet. I sent an email asking about it but no response. Go figure. :roll:

    in reply to: Riverside Mountain Lodge #13992

    I’m not sure whats happening with construction but all owners and investors in Riverside received notice last week that the company is insolvent and is being investigated by some corporate fraud people (can’t remember the company’s name). There probably won’t be a new owner until all this dust settles and someone actually gets interested in buying the mess.

    in reply to: Riverside Mountain Lodge #13989

    Well, he’s gone belly up now and owes close to 2 million to various owners, clients and companies. Way to go Bill.

    in reply to: ‘Coming to a town near you’ #14007
    in reply to: Riverside Mountain Lodge #13982

    No, they were’t for Pinnacle Ridge, they were for the space for small houses behind Riverside.

    in reply to: Riverside Mountain Lodge #13980

    Mr. Ing missed monthly rental pool payments to most of the condo owners at Riverside for up to 6 months twice in the last year and a half. Also, many owners have sold or are selling their units for significantly less than they paid just to get out of what turned out to be a pretty bad deal. I would not be surprised if the whole thing went under in the near future.

    I’m not sure about new developments, but 3 for sale signs went up a few weeks ago in front of the dug out pile of garbage beside the teeny cottages in the back and the signs are gone now. Not sure what that means.

    in reply to: Albertans Unwelcome #13868

    Its no secret that Alberta does very little to protect the environment. My intention was only to say that, not that individual Albertans are to blame. I didn’t slash your tires.

    I’ve lived in both provinces at various times and have been the victim of more crimes in Alberta with BC plates than in BC with Alberta plates.

    What does that mean??? Not a damn thing.

    in reply to: Albertans Unwelcome #13854

    The idea is to preserve and protect the Elk River as a heritage river not to make you feel unwelcome. Don’t be surprised that the Albertan “rape and pillage, ask questions later” policy isn’t welcomed in Fernie. I personally appreciate the new rules.

    in reply to: need for veterinarian #13653

    I agree with everyone else. The vet here is insensitive and rude. I would love to see an alternative in town and I think many people would prefer not to have to drive to Cranbrook. Come to Fernie.

    in reply to: Snowboard tutorial / help #13605

    Whats the difference between god and a ski schooler?

    God doesn’t think he’s a ski schooler.

    in reply to: RCR Super Pass price? #13597

    I think the only differences in price can be found well before the season starts. If you buy your pass in May of the year before then it is significantly cheaper. Less so in August etc. At this point however I think you’re pretty much stuck with full price.

    in reply to: No Half Pipe…..Tear down the walls! #13451

    I guess the thing about the service at RCR is that it almost doesn’t matter. I think that mountain is so fantastic that I will ski it anyway, and I think a lot of people around here are the same. I think RCR does some terrible things but you’ll never catch me badmouth the mountain itself. Maybe the problem is that RCR knows it… people will come anyway, so they may as well just do whatever they want.

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