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  • in reply to: Gas prices #15289

    Oh yeah!!! Boycott that FLIPPIN’ COMPANY TOO!!! Shove them donuts up yer arse!! BP WHAT!!

    in reply to: Gas prices #15286

    Hahaha!!! I get it! non-renewable resource!! Well I need lower prices cause I drive about 40min a day to work and 40 mins a day home from work. It’s CRAZY!!! I have a decent job, paid very well, I don’t drive a Hummer, never have and will never want to!I have a family to help support! A way of life that I want my son to have. I need my vehicle and I need lower prices of gasoline so that I can be taxed so that I can pay into welfare support the EI ski teams! If yer a welfare recipient then you should be shakin in yer boots cuz there are people out there who are ready to quit there jobs……same with the EI scene! If I am concerened about these prices what about the people who work min wage and have to drive from Sparwood to Fernie??? There goes half of their daily wage! It’s disgusting is all I am really saying and I wish there was an ESSO man I can piss on cuz I would right after I beat the piss outta the Petro Can Man!!

    in reply to: Gas prices #15284

    Oooooooohhhhhhhhhh!!! Informative, insightful and very thought provoking piece of literature there Trusta-farian!! What are you some type of patchoolie stink soap-dodging hummer driving water buying pro-tard??? Right On!! Yer amazing, now go drive that hummer off a bridge and get all the free water ya want. Maybe instead of giving us yer lame arsed comments on the price comparisons of gasoline and water you can come up with a universe altering formula to stop world stupidity. Of course that would mean wiping out your own sub-culture of feeble minded and genetically redundent peons. Once again thanks for that piece of shit excuse for an attempt at humor!
    Best Regards

    in reply to: Gas prices #15282

    LISTEN HERE!!! DO NOT FILL AT PETRO OR ESSO!!! Plain and simple! Think about it….petro canada and esso, 2 of the greediest corps in the whole country! Go to the gas bar or any other smaller lesser known types gig! Boycott these big bastards and you will see results. If you are such an economical person you would be praising the Gas Bar 119.9 a litre with 4 cents back…… or even the HUSKY 116.9. Yes Husky is big, but you will see results if you boycott Petro Canada and ESSO!! Do it and quit yer snivelling!!!


    in reply to: The community of Fernie no longer exists… #15272

    YUP!! You hit the nail on the head! Fernie is sooo rad, been here fer 9yrs and seen it dwindle to an economical monstrosity….the mayor and his greedy regime are the suck-hole of this awesome, magnificent mountain town! $$$$$$$$$$ It’s all about $$$$$$$$$$$$! The people of this town are amazing with the exception of the zombified-money-hungry rent bastards!! All in all FERNIE ROCKS!!! IMPEACH THE MAYOR!!


    in reply to: Car for sale CHEAP! – SOLD #15215

    Really, hey gimme a call I would like to have me a look at this vehicle of yers. 423 3494, Jason

Viewing 6 posts - 46 through 51 (of 51 total)