Park Place Lodge

Forum Topics Started

Viewing 6 topics - 1 through 6 (of 6 total)

What a happening little place!

I moved out of Central Hotel due to violence & theft issues between my crackhead neighbors, didn’t want to deal […]

Voices: 1 | Posts: 1 | Freshness: 11 years, 5 months ago | Recent Activity by: shad in: Fernie Talk

62cm base opening day?

Heiko waited for the skiing to be good before opening. Opening with a 62cm base on Dec 1st was unheard […]

Voices: 2 | Posts: 3 | Freshness: 11 years, 7 months ago | Recent Activity by: savage in: Fernie Talk

Fernie CAO no longer with the City

It has been reported that the Chief Administrative Officer for the City of Fernie, Allan Chabot, will no longer be […]

Voices: 3 | Posts: 4 | Freshness: 11 years, 9 months ago | Recent Activity by: arlene in: Fernie Talk

Elk Valley Turns on itself

This is an interesting article that is not about the Elk Valley however has strong parallels: Appalachia Turns on Itself […]

Voices: 1 | Posts: 1 | Freshness: 12 years ago | Recent Activity by: shad in: Fernie Talk

BC Education is crippled by the unions

BC Education is crippled by the unions. Until the teachers unions are broken, there will be no hope for education. […]

Voices: 3 | Posts: 5 | Freshness: 12 years, 4 months ago | Recent Activity by: admin in: Fernie Talk

Who’s gonna ride the Polar Peak Chair?

I’m wondering how many are going to ride the Polar Peak Chair. The patroler’s are making it sound scary and […]

Voices: 3 | Posts: 3 | Freshness: 12 years, 6 months ago | Recent Activity by: dance4life in: Fernie Talk
Viewing 6 topics - 1 through 6 (of 6 total)