Park Place Lodge

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  • in reply to: Lost hound dog now at home! #19589
    david r gildea

    Have you had any luck finding your missing dog yet ?

    in reply to: stray dog #19564
    david r gildea

    Just a comment for future situations like this, please all pet owners, make sure your pet has at least a contact telephone # on a tag on thier collar, that way you can be contacted when the pet is found, it is so simple and cheap to do but worth its weight in gold.

    in reply to: Why do people think the HST is so Bad? #19081
    david r gildea

    So, I am waiting for the booze prices to go down, have not seen it yet !!!, what the hell are you calling "Basic" groceries ? our grocery bill has leapt up, still it is a "consumer" tax, so I guess if we all stop eating we will save money !! I am told that the U.S.Border has been opening up a lot more than the usual one lane, traffic to the states has increased substansially, I wonder why ? probably the same to Alberta aswell, I still fail to see how the regressive tax is going to create jobs, its a tax grab pure and simple and will hurt the allready struggling economy, just watch and wait, the only bright spot in all of this is that amongst the jobs lost, and there will be jobs lost, will be all the liberal politicians, at the next election, at least the french had the guillotine !!! when Marie Antonette had the same disdain for the public.

    in reply to: Fernie’s Downtown Junkyard #18887
    david r gildea

    To even put a post on saying the road and parking at Veneto is going to be just gravel displays an ignorance beyond belief, wait a couple of weeks to see the transformation before shooting your mouth off, what is it about idiots in this town who engage thier mouth before thier brain.

    in reply to: HST PETITION IS HERE!!!! #18462
    david r gildea

    Here I go chucking in the ingredeints again Mikes !!!! So what you are saying is, using your resturant example, that menu prices will now go down all across the province, bar meals probably too because the "Hidden" tax will no longer be paid, well if you beleive that, it is unfair to use resturants as the single example though, in one of the postings by a proffessional journalist, he is saying the government will save millions from not compensating business, OH, so who pray tell is going to now compensate business for collecting the taxes, or is it just going to be a cost of doing business ? wonder who will end up paying that cost AND it will be subject to HST.

    in reply to: HST PETITION IS HERE!!!! #18459
    david r gildea

    Mikes writes " nobody wants to pay for it", sorry ? we allready pay approximately 47% of our income in taxes each year, thats darn nearly half of what we earn !!! and you want to pay more ?? there are a lot of ways for the goverment to save money starting with not giving themselves 39% pay increases and now refusing to identify perks etc that they get.
    I know you are just trying to wind things up Mikes but try and show some commonsense, remember the old proverb about killing the golden goose, you can only keep overtaxing people for so long before it does drive the economy underground.
    If the ordinary small business ran like government does then as we need more money we would just keep raising prices, where would it end, we have to be competitve, government does not, it beleives it has a never ending money source, TAXES, and like well behaved sheep we keep going along with them, never trying to fight back, this petition is the chance to fight back.

    in reply to: HST PETITION IS HERE!!!! #18456
    david r gildea

    For your information, here is a copy of the email I sent to Mr Fletcher of Black Press regarding "Lemmings". " I take offence to your article Sir, I am a small businessman who’s customers will pay a lot more in taxes because of this stupid tax, just because you are in the pocket of the liberals does not mean that I am, I have never voted NDP for your information but I will tell you this, the liberals and apparently you are underestimating this anti-government movement".

    in reply to: HST PETITION IS HERE!!!! #18453
    david r gildea

    The HST in my opinion is nothing more than a huge tax grab, pure and simple, the cost of just about everything WILL go up, to argue it will reduce prices is wrong and very misleading.

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