Park Place Lodge

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  • in reply to: salomon skis for sale #14614

    $400 obo

    in reply to: Nonstop Ski #13520

    at a gess, as much as possible, -40 is insane

    in reply to: Nonstop Ski #13516

    hay guys,
    10 days to now, :D, hay henry i’ll be at heathrow, probably before 10 getting serriously excited now, nearly got everyrhing i need from here, just a few bits left to get before i leave, need to get a helmet goggles, and new poles (my brother borrowed mine to take to tignes, and snapped them on his first day, git). anyway, see u all at heathrow, in 9 days 23 hours 2 mins. :D :D .
    big john

    in reply to: Nonstop Ski #13513

    hay guys
    happy new new year everyone, hope you all had a great night, weather you can remember it or not :wink: !
    not long to go now for most of us just 18 short days, i think i had better start planning what i’m going pack, tricky decsions have to be made.
    anyway see most of you on the 18th
    big john

    in reply to: Nonstop Ski #13509

    hay guys
    less than four weeks to go for the majority of us now. jus wodering what people were planning on bringing in the way of electrical goods. i’m going to bring my i pod, and video camera, other than that i’m going to leave the rest behind.

    i don’t know about anyone else, but by the time e leave i’ll be so tired, i wont have sleped for a week knowing me. any way see you brits in 4 weeks, and any locals in 4 weeks and a day or two


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